Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gay marriage and advertisers

I usually don't pay much attention to the ads in the Sunday Style section of the New York Times, as they are usually local ads that aren't relevant to me.  These two caught my eye though.   Gay marriage was legalized in New York just over a month ago, and starting July 24th ceremonies actually started taking place.  To capitalize on this vacation spots and other wedding preparation services are starting to target this new market.  First an ad for honeymooning in Miami.

And then this one was funnier. Basically now that you're able to get married, you may want to get your ass in shape to look good for the wedding.

There were a few others but these were the ones I really noticed.  I'm all for it.  I figure if 2 people love each other enough to want to make a lifelong commitment to each other and get married they should be allowed, regardless of sexual orientation, race, color, or creed.  I am glad to say my own state of Illinois also recently legalized gay marriage, but I think a large state like New York doing it makes me feel like the tide is changing and hopefully the remaining states of the union will follow suit as well.

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